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Tips For Men: Planning The Honeymoon

This will possibly be your first time away together on vacation and of course you want to make it perfect. Here are some tips to make it exactly that.

Tip 1: Start saving money ASAP so you can go on a nice one-on-one vacation together.

Tip 2: Set a budget of how much you can afford to spend. It may be an awkward conversation to have but you will have lots of money conversations throughout your marriage, so this will be good practice. A honeymoon is about being together, not where you go. It is NOT worth breaking the bank to go on some super extravagant trip. Live within your means!

Tip 3: Buy your airplane tickets, book your hotel room, rental car, and make plans as to what you are going to do on vacation as far in advance as possible. Please don't be like my husband, Ty, and book the honeymoon the Monday before our wedding. Luckily, it all worked out, but I'm sure he could of saved money if he would have done it further in advance.

A lot of men like to surprise their soon-to-be wife and not tell her where they are going. This is a good idea but make sure to let her know what kind of clothes to pack beforehand. Some women actually prefer to be in the know and be able to assist planning and voice their opinions. So you might want to talk to you fiancé and get her opinion as to what she would prefer.

Tip 4: Most couples stay somewhere in town the night of the reception before they leave the next day. Also know that this is your responsibility, and you will need to book a hotel room or make arrangements wherever you are going to stay.

Tip 5: If you are planning to go out of the country be sure to have your passports or get them. It takes a long time to get these in the mail so be sure to start your applications early if you need to.

Also know, when you book the plane tickets to put your wife's maiden last name before her new last name on the tickets. Ty was so excited to put O'Bryant on the ticket instead of Giles. The problem being that my license still said Giles. The next day as we rushed to the airport last minute, two gargantuan issues presented themselves. The first being that my ticket said "O'Bryant" instead of Giles. The second, although I had my purse, my wallet was nowhere to be found. In the rush of getting last minute preparations completed, I had failed to double check that I had everything My wallet was in my temple bag, which I didn't have. At check-in they were nice and understood the situation, leaving it up to us to decide if we wanted to postpone our flight for another six hours or try and make it through security. Obviously, we didn't want to do postpone our flight. As we made it to security we explained our situation and fortunately had our marriage license to prove my identity and name change. They eventually let us through and we made our flight. Looking back, it was a miracle we made it through.  This all brings me to my next tip:

Tip 6: Have someone else be in charge of getting your luggage in the car, making sure your licenses/passports etc. are with you.

Tip 7: Pack a week before.

Ty and I were trying to save money as we were heading back to Idaho for school so we didn't go on a super extravagant vacation. We went to southern California, and did Disneyland, Universal Studios, Hollywood, Newport Beach and went on an "OC Tour" like in the TV series, and site seeing. It was so much fun. We stayed across from Disneyland and every night we could see the fireworks show from our hotel room it was very romantic. The only thing that was a bummer was when we got to pick up our rental car they didn't have what we reserved, and they tried to give us a Charger that smelled like smoke, and wasn't clean. So our only option was a Camaro (which was a gas-sucker) so my last tip:

Tip 8: Don't go too cheap. It's worth paying a tiny bit more to get a far better experience with reputable companies.

Going on a honeymoon is very fun and important as a newly married couple. If you can't afford a luxurious vacation that is fine go to the beach for a weekend or make a fun road trip back to school or wherever you're moving. All that matters is that you're together and enjoying your first few days as a married couple.


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