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Duties as a Groomsmen/Best Man

As a groomsmen or best man and in your friend's wedding you really don't have a lot of responsibilities to the wedding and the groom. Sure, you're a groomsmen and a best man but you don't have to help him pick out his tux or hold his hand on his wedding day. You also don't have to plan bridal showers or anything like that. You've got it easy compared to the bridesmaids and maid of honor. You're only real responsibility is to plan a sweet bachelor party for your buddy that he will always remember. You're probably thinking, "Why am I reading this post from this wedding planning chick? She's not a guy and has never been to a bachelor party." True, I haven't been to a bachelor party before and I am not a guy, but I love weddings and all things that come with a wedding and that does include a bachelor party. I like to think that I know guys-as I am married to one. I'm not here to tell you what you should do, I'm just here to give you some possible ideas and to remind you that you need to remember to do this and organize something. I know as guys you tend to forget and do things last minute but this should be planned out so no one has scheduling conflicts and you can make reservations if you need to. You want this to be a great night for your friend. It might be the last night away from his soon-to-be-wife and it's his last night as a "single" gent.

Possible Bachelor Party ideas:
-Surfing outing at the beach
-White water rafting
-Trip to Vegas/Atlantic City-just remember to not make it a Hangover spin-off
-Go to a legit steakhouse
-Rent a yacht
-Ice fishing
-Weekend golf outing
-Road trip
-VIP room at the nightclub
-Party at someone's house

Maybe your buddy just wants something low key and that's fine too. Get all the groomsmen, brothers of the bride and groom, cousins, friends-all the men and just do something small. Usually all the guys will chip in to cover the costs for the groom on whatever you end up doing.

The best man is considered the host and is in charge of making sure everyone knows when, where, who, and what of the whole party. Do something that you have all talked about doing and have never gotten around to actually doing. Whatever you decide on doing don't do it the night before the wedding; give everyone sometime to recover. Remember to have fun and be safe!


Drew Watts said...

Pleased to know about these wedding table decorations and hope this information will help me in decorating my brother’s wedding table. It’s being arranged at one of amazing wedding venues NYC and really want to host a grand wedding.

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